Saturday, July 21, 2012

We ran tests for the superior sand in the smaller "hobby lobby" cylinder and got experimental results very similar to our experimental results from the larger "Michael's" cylinder.  We had hypothesized that there would be a significant effect from the boundaries due to some preliminary modeling of the smaller tube.  The results are not so far different than the modeled ones that we can definitively say that the model is over representing edge effects, but it seems that way.  Below is a graph of our data.  The first is how we were looking at it.  The second is the same, but I changed the axis, because I was finding the top graph to be rather sad, but really our data is all very close together, which you can see when 0 is included, so while we are struggling to know what to think of the modeling vs. experimental results for a single sand, this is only a problem because the model is only off a little from the experimental, so distinguishing the sources of the problem is challenging.  (and this sand is quite significantly different from the 65.)
Pure Superior Sand
changed axis

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